Tuesday 30 October 2012

PROTECTION: Living in Extreme Weather

Adaptation of Animals in Desert

(Source: Dizzo (2009). Animals of the Desert. [Online]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ifk9IJl0A0)

Camels: have humps on their backs to store food and water

Fennec Foxes: have long ears to lose heat easily

Some desert birds make holes in cactus plants
Kangaroo rats: keep fat in their tails. When there is no water, the fat can be changed into water.

Rhinoceroses: keep their bodies cool by wallowing in mud holes

Adaptation of Animals in Cold Climate

Polar bears: have thick furs to enable them to live in very cold weather

Arctic foxes: sleep during cold weather and cover their bodies with their long tails

Penguins: have thick layers of fat under the skin to keep their bodies warm

Walruses: have thick layer fat to keep themselves warm

Seals: have small ears to prevent from losing heat

Some birds migrate when temperatures get cold enough

Dormouse: Hibernate during the winter

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